Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Top 10 Reasons why Outsourcing Documentation Makes Sense.
10. Concurrent development - your engineers can't design develop and write at the same time oh and by the way they hate it and they aren't any good at it.
9. Credentials and Credibility - technical writing is a skill in it's own right
8. Faster development - professional writers know the tools of their trade and can use them faster
7. Faster understanding of the target audience needs - technical writers are trained in needs analysis
6. Right Information - suitable for the task at hand and suitable for the audience
5. Unbiased approach - technical writers don't design products therefore they don't feel the need to include every detail in the Quick Start Guide
4. Better writing processes and standards - professional writers like processes.....wait actually they adore processes and standards and they ensure that your documents are professionally produced.
3. On time delivery - professional writers working as a supplier have a lot more skin in the game. The supplier's reputation and future business is hinged on top quality at a fair price delivered on time.
2. Documentation needs vary - therefore you should be able to vary your costs. Why staff 160 writers when you only need 140 in the summer or you need 200 in November.
1. Save Money - for all the reasons outlined here. Outsourcing your documentation requirements to a professional writing company saves you money.


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